Monday, September 13, 2010

A new journey for Central UMC in Decatur began yesterday out at Delano City Park. We are now going to be focusing on life as a community. We will be using a Rick Warren edited book called Better Together: A Churchwide Spiritual Growth Campaign.

Today he encourages us to think about what it means to really learn how to love. He suggests that love that is easy might not really be love at all but rather infatuation or lust. I don't argue the differences but would question the statement he makes when he says, "Love is unatural for us." There are always exceptions to any rule regarding human behavior, but I think when a mother gives birth to a child, the natural order is to love that child. She doesn't have to learn how and it isn't unnatural. She might have to learn appropriate ways of expressing that love and she might have to learn how to best guide and instruct that child, but it starts with love.

Henri Nouwen reminds us of the difference between learning about love and living it.

"O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. I am impressed by my own spiritual insights. I probably know more about prayer, meditation, and contemplation than most Christians do. I have read many books about the Christian life, and have even written a few myself. Still, as impressed as I am, I am more impressed by the enormous abyss between my insights and my life." - From A Cry for Mercy by Henri J.M. Nouwen

Grace and Peace,

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